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5 Best Sites for Free Stock Photos

Perhaps, you're an aspiring photographer looking for inspiration or an up-and-coming entrepreneur who trying to win in stock photography. These 5 websites offer free stock photos that don't suck. To find the best free stock photos and get access to free stock photo downloads Check them Up.

1. Pixabay

This is my first choice. Pixabay has over 1 million + high-quality free stock images and videos. All images and videos on Pixabay are released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0.

2. Pixels

To get inspired, look at other photographer's photos. Pexels provides high quality and completely free stock photos licensed under the Pexels license.

3. Canva

Yes, It's a web-based tool giving small business owners graphic design capabilities but It has a service provided millions of high-quality free photos to create beautiful designs.

4. Barn Images

Barn images were launched in March 2015 by Igor Trepeshchenok and Roman Drits, two photographers from Latvia. It sounds like barns, but it has a vast diversity of fresh and high-quality images.

5. Negative Space

For personal or commercial use, all of our CC0 licensed images are completely free to use!


As a journey of journalism with many commercial posts, I'm always looking for royalty-free sources of high-quality stock photos and images to use. These five of the best stocks websites where I found absolutely free stock photos even though there are lots of others . If you find this post helpful then I would like to hear your take on these free stock photo sites. Share it in the comments below!


Adam Adam Carnol aus Alfter


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